Movie review The Kissing Booth💋💋
Hellooooooo, this is my first review, and what better way to start than talking about the movie The kissing booth that has just premiered Friday May 11 on Netflix.
I am very happy with this film because at the end of 2014 while I was on vacation in CDMX I saw the book in Sanborns and in fact it caught my attention, so for a long time I told my parents to buy it for me; until I got the book in digital and finished it in less than 24 hours. I was all excited / dismayed because at that time (like every teenager) I had an interest in a certain person.
Anyway, after a few months I had to take an English certification exam, once I finished this exam, I went with my parents to the shopping plaza across the street, I went into a store and I saw the book; so after about 1 hour of insisting and insisting my parents buy me the book, they did it. Imagine how happy I was, I think I even did a mini dance of victory, when I turn around and see this boy, I was dying of grief and I think he wanted to laugh. It was a good anecdote .....
Now without further ado; the review:
Original title: The Kissing Booth
Author: Beth Reekles.
Gender: Youth.
Year of publication: 2013
Meet Rochelle Evans: pretty, popular – and never been kissed. Meet Noah Flynn: badass, volatile – and a total player. And also Elle’s best friend’s older brother . . . When Elle decides to run a kissing booth for the school’s Spring Carnival, she locks lips with Noah and her life is turned upside down. Her head says to keep away, but her heart wants to draw closer – this romance seems far from fairy tale and headed for heartbreak. But will Elle get her happily ever after?
This story tells of Rochelle, a 16-year-old girl, beautiful, friendly, intelligent, extroverted and with a best friend, Lee, they have known each other since they were born and always do everything together. In addition, Lee has an older brother: Noah, the first platonic love of Rochelle.
Elle and Lee were born the same day, they are neighbors and (I think that she mentions the film and not the book) is the friendship relationship between their mothers, who, like them, were best friends. I like that in the film they will detail more about their childhood, along with knowing more about what happened with Elle's mother, because this is not detailed in the book.
"We were close friends since we were born. Our mothers knew each other from the university, and I lived only a ten minute walk away. Lee and I had grown up together. We could have been twins, because it happened that we were born the same day. He was my best friend. It always had been and always would be. Even though it sometimes made me really piss off. "
In the film I liked the introduction to the story, because they are data that in the book do not mention, practically there starts from when they see each other to talk about what they are going to put on the fair. The intro gives a fresh touch to know more of their lives, the moments from the most fun, to the saddest (referring to Elle's mother); I feel that in this intro, they would have included the birth of Elle's little brother, I think it is an important moment in her life, which I do not think she will forget.

The performances of the protagonists, the truth felt a good chemistry between them. I love the friendship that reflects Joey (Elle) and Joel (Lee), this is a very important point because we are talking about a super friendship, no matter what happens, the feelings that both actors reflect is phenomenal.
Elle believes that her feelings for Noah ended, although it never hurts to give a good eye. It's basically rule # 9 of the friendship code between her and Lee. Now speaking of these rules I could say that it is like a pro and against; At least I did not like them to put these rules, it's like having limited certain things.
The scene of the accident with the skirt, happens in two different times. In the film it is during the morning of the return to classes, and in the book; It's after the Flynn party.
The dialogues respect the original idea put forward. There is no problem
During the party scene at the Flynn's, I loved Elle's reaction when she woke up the next morning and saw that she was in Noah's room, tell me who would not panic. That yes, stays true to the book, except for a part, which appears as blooper at the end of the film.
The way that Lee and Rachel know each other in the movie, I think it was unexpected, until the 2nd time I saw the movie (and that's because the first time I saw it at 2am); I realized that the girl who kisses Lee on the stand was Rachel, after the rejection of the other girls for not being the Flynn they expected, I loved the way that Rachel came in, it was a click / kiss at first sight one could say.
Now, I'll skip the part of the main kiss between Noah and Elle, what happened after Warren's party, and that's because below I have a clearer opinion about that, which I don't know if several will agree ... ....
I'll jump to the scenes in the film about Romance Nelle (I'll call it that), and I'll focus on this part: ELLE IN THE PHARMACY BUYING CONDOMS, WHEN SUDDENLY MRS. FLYNN APPEARS I have to give an ovation in this part, because it was extremely fun.
A perfect secret romance, no worries, keep lying to Lee, etc.
Now if we reach the climax of history; I will try to be clear between the difference between the seen and the read ...
It is assumed that in the film, everything is discovered after the accident of Elle in the garage of the Flynn; My respects to Joel for his performance in discovering the truth, a wounded brother, saying that rule # 9 was so that Noah could not take away the only thing that belonged to him, and with that he refers to their friendship. People, I was watching that scene at 3am, probably more asleep than nothing, but I was holding my cell phone while trying to wipe away my tears. The dialogue, totally equal to the book, the way in which Lee expresses himself, the pain, the feeling ...
Now seeing it from the book, the discovery of the truth, happens while they are in school; After Noah and Elle are talking (and later kissing) inside a room, from there on out the dialogues are the same, except as both brothers leave. To this we add that after everything that happened Elle can take refuge a little with her friends.
Now let's talk about Molly Ringwald, she plays Mrs. Flynn, although in the book it is mentioned of her, in the film it takes a more serious and important role and at least for me it has 2 important parts.
1.- When he talks to Elle's Noah in his room, while she is under his bed, it was definitely a fun scene.
2.- Following the context of the story.
When he goes to see Elle after the fight between Lee and Noah; This scene made me cry a lot, because it is the connection of a second mother, someone with whom Elle could unload several emotions; They honestly showed off with this. Although in the book, it was only a call, here it makes us see the love that mothers give. Although Elle has lost her mother, the other mother figure she has is her, and the bond between them was quite good.
The weeks passed and no one was forgiven, Noah disappeared, Elle and Lee without speaking.
The talk between Noah and Elle's dad, the dialogues were attached as in the book, only here they talk before the reconciliation of Lee and Elle. While in the book, Noah appears just as Elle is about to go to the dance.
In the same way I will skip the dance scene ...
The birthday of Lee and Elle, I liked that their costumes were the same as in the book, only with some changes in the film; and now in this scene we have our beloved Beth Reekles participating; A small cameo where she is on Elle's right side with a dress could say Marilyn Monroe style. Of course, this scene in the book is happier, and that is attributed to the different positive events of the dance; and not how the film reflects it.
In the same way, it was surprising in the movie when Elle goes out to look for Noah, although we know that Lee hurts, I'm sorry, but in love it's not sent. Elle is convinced that Lee is his companion begins to recite everything he thinks of their relationship and how much he loves Noah, when suddenly, surprise; the love of his life is in the car, which was quite funny and a very well thought out scene; with a positive ending: FINALLY THEY ARE TOGETHER!!!
In the same way, it was surprising in the movie when Elle goes out to look for Noah, although we know that Lee hurts, I'm sorry, but in love it's not sent. Elle is convinced that Lee is his companion begins to recite everything he thinks of their relationship and how much he loves Noah, when suddenly, surprise; the love of his life is in the car, which was quite funny and a very well thought out scene; with a positive ending: FINALLY THEY ARE TOGETHER!!!
By the end, I liked the idea of keeping the same as in the book: An open ending; Since we certainly do not know what the destiny of this couple holds, we know that distance relationships may not work, or maybe they do. It was sad when Elle told Noah not to look back, my emotions were a thousand. All she wants is for Noah to make good decisions and probably if he had turned around he would not have left.
Now it is a fact that we all want a second part. In Wattpad there is a story called The beach club (I think it was), in the profile of Beth (Reekles in Wattpad) this happens on vacation, it is not a second part of the story, but important things happen between Elle and Lee after Noah is leaving. I feel that if Beth did the second part of the story, this mini story can become very important regarding the decisions made by the characters.
Now, I must emphasize that in comparison between the film and the book there are essential parts that I did not like:
"The dress was dark green, just above the knees, the skirt was flying and it was shaking when I moved, the dress had no back, it was open up to the waist, it had tapes that were tied to the neck and a neckline V-shaped, not too low and adorned with tiny silver beads, which shone brightly when it gave them light."
Short green dress, not long PINK, believe me this was what I most wanted to see in the film, because actually I had this dress reflected in my mind, when Beth put that photo on her instagram I think it was a BOOM for all, that for the fans of this story it was very expected to see the dress; I think that being a pink dress comes to mind a princess dress, if Elle was looking for her prince charming, but we know that Noah is not exactly a prince ?? 🤷🤷
My ideas for the dress:
Yes, I'm not going to lie that it was something disappointing (at least for me), because at the dance Elle and Noah were together, and he declared his eternal love to her during the song and she said yes. I think this had to be one of the key points of their relationship because here he challenges everyone (especially Lee) and decides to be happy.
Also it is not a masquerade, that was the main theme of the dance, I think it loses a bit the essence as it was reflected, the music that they put on I liked that I do not have any complaints you could say ....
Yes, it was very nice to put the souvenir images of the school year, parties, etc. But in itself the essence and description of the dance; I'll take the book.
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES as well as I put the scene of the kiss and what happened next; OKEY we're talking about a Hollywood movie with cliche, but in my opinion that part of the movie was too dramatic, we're talking about a serious moment, Elle's first kiss; When she is going to tell Lee later, it can be seen that she is angry at the beginning because she remembers rule # 9.
In the book this does not happen, he says that as it is possible that he has missed that, but he took it as a joke and that makes it more realistic. Then we know that Lee is going with Rachel (and this is put up to the credits part of the movie), and tells Elle that she will tell Noah to take her back to her house; I liked the scene in the book when they were at Elle's house picking up the game and between Elle's chatter and her mind; the urge to kiss Noah again. The same in the movie is nice to see them in the garden, but when the guard discovers them and says that she is another girl more; he completely loses the romantic, and makes Elle look like one of Noah's list (although we know that it will NEVER be like that).
Now the scene of the first time, TO WHOM IT HAPPENS TO PUT THEM DOWN THE SIGN OF HOLLYWOOD !!!!!!!
NO NO, although Beth wrote the story when she was 15-16 years old, she did it in a way that every reader could imagine her own version, she felt subtle, simple, delicate; the part of the dialogue in that part, faithful to the book. Also imagine other people walking or visiting the place, I think it would not be the best idea of all, they could do that part of putting them seeing the city, seeing that it was already late, going to his house ... And the rest is history
«Shut up, shut up, shut up!» My first kiss ...
‘Rochelle,’ he said quietly, ‘we don’t have to. We can wait. I’ll wait.’
Any doubts I had about this washed away completely at those words. It
wasn’t like I’d planned on this happening, especially so soon: I’d always
thought that this would only happen once I was in a committed relationship
with a guy I loved. But everything felt so good – so right – with Noah, that I
didn’t care.
And maybe I wouldn’t have gone all the way if he hadn’t told me, in that
soft voice, that he’d wait. But that was it. I knew he cared.
So I replied, my voice as quiet as his,
‘I know. But I want to.’
I think that from the friends that are mentioned in the book, here they only put Warren and Rachel (and both with very little appearance), that makes some important scenes could be said to feel empty, that friendship of "sisters-in-law" between Elle and Rachel does not exist in the movie, there are no tips or talks between several friends or situations like Elle's swimsuit accident when she is reunited with all her friends.
In the film they only focused on Elle, Lee and Noah, but I feel that the talks with the girls were missing, several opinions more; I don't know...
This scene is not in the movie, but they could put it as blooper, because after all it's a fun part, it shows that Noah could control that desire to hit Warren, after all we know it was an accident.
‘What’s all the screaming?’
I yanked myself up the ladder
just as Warren made a grab at me. My bikini top came away in his hand, and
everyone was silent as Noah looked at me with a disapproving frown. I threw my
arms around my bare chest, cheeks burning. Oh, God. How humiliating was this!
My cheeks were burning, even though the rest of my body trembled with cold.
Another scene that would have been an excellent Blooper, is when Lee and Elle are opening their birthday gifts the day after the party, both the shirts, and the most epic: Lee's gift to Elle
When I saw what it was, my cheeks flamed instantly, and I dropped it like
a live bomb.
‘What? I don’t want to be an uncle yet – I’m not old enough!’
‘What, and you couldn’t have given me that when we’re not around
He knew what I really meant – why in front of my dad? And his
‘And your boyfriend, let’s not forget.’
I willed my cheeks to cool down, but they just wouldn’t.
Dad had already
started making hasty small talk with June and Matthew, all of them
determinedly ignoring the packet of condoms I’d just picked up.
Noah reached down from his spot on the sofa, plucking them out of my
hands. ‘Thanks, Lee. I’ll keep them handy for later.’
Final Favorite Extras Movie (Bloopers)
- Elle making fun of Noah's Superman boxers
- When they give the car to Elle
- Lee expressing other interests better than her best friend
- The drunk photos of Elle
Without more to say, watch the movie, read the book and if you have any opinion you can leave it here ....
Dear Beth:
Thank you for creating this story, my 17 year old self and my current 20 year old we are happy and satisfied with the results, we hope you decide to do a second part of this story; because I speak for many who want to know what is going on between Elle and Noah. That success and all the good vibes and ideas are always with you. Let this be the beginning of many more things ...
Thanks to Netflix for making the story, and upload it at 2 am🤣🤣
Also thanks to Joey King, Joel Courtney and Jacob Elordi for bringing these characters to life, Joel for being the perfect Lee, and Joey and Jacob for embodying this pair of tortolos both on the screen and yourselves out of it.
1 comentarios
losmovies - The strange thing about this movie is that it is more of a war drama than the sci-fi adventure one might expect from a Star Wars story. It is dark, it is gritty and the main characters are traumatized and made homeless by a brutal civil war waged by an oppressive Empire. Consequently, the main characters don't start out as heroes but turn into heroes by the choices they make. It is in many ways the most realistic description ever shown in a Star Wars movie of how ordinary people become warriors because there isn't much of an alternative but fight. "The time to fight is NOW!" and the actors do a great job of conveying that feeling to the audience. Sprinkled in is a fair bit of humor and comedic relief. We get good creature designs, ample special effects and a lot of fighting: Ground battle, urban combat, space engages, close quarter fighting; you name it, they give it to us. And don't think those fights are Disney squeaky clean. To a degree you get war in all its nasty brutality. The final result is a good action movie set in the Star Wars universe. Somewhat lacking in the light saber and Force aspects a true fan might wish for but still well worth the money you spend on it.
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